
Showing posts from June, 2023

Facts about Kedarnath Temple

                                                 About  Kedarnath  Temple  Fact-1 The Creation of Kedarnath Legend says that when Nar and Narayana-the two incarnations of Lord Vishnu performed a severe act of austerity in the Badrikashraya of Bharat Khand, they worshipped a Shivalingam which emerged out of the Earth beautifully. This in turn pleased Lord Shiva who then appeared before Nar and Narayana and asked them to seek for a gift. Nar and Narayana then requested Lord Shiva to permanently reside as a Jyotirlingam at Kedarnath, so that the people who come to worship Lord Shiva here won’t be enslaved to their miseries in life anymore. Fact-2 Legends of Kedarnath Creation The of Kedarnath dates back to the Mahabharata which states that when the Pandavas came to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva to free themselves from the sin of killing their cousins. Lord Shiva disguised himself as a humped buffalo and hid himself at Kashi, then known as  Guptkashi . The Pandavas eventually managed to

About Jagannath Temple In Puri

  About Jagannath Temple In PuriAbout Jagannath Temple In Puri                          About Jagannath Temple In Puri Jagannath Temple In Puri                  1. Defying Nature's Code of Conduct Even a child knows any piece of cloth is dominated by the wind to fly according to its course. The same principle has numerous applications; from the giant sails on your ship to a small flag in your hand all follow the same code. But it looks like the flag mounted on the top of the Jagannath Temple is a unique exception to the principle. This particular flag flows in the opposite direction to the wind's course without any scientific background to back it up. 2. The Climb Every day a priest scrambles the walls of the temple with a height equivalent to that of a 45 storey building, to change the flag atop the temple dome. This ritual dates far back to the day the temple was built. The practice is done with bare hands without any protective gear. It's believed if the ritual is skippe

The Kohinoor

Kohinoor   1)   The Kohinoor was mined from the Golconda region of Andhra Pradesh during the Kakatiya dynasty's reign. 2)  Originally weighing 793 carats, its weight was subsequently reduced over the centuries after it was cut several times. It now weighs around 105 carats. 3)  After the subjugation of Punjab in the Second Sikh War in 1849, Duleep Singh, the last Sikh ruler of Punjab, was ordered by the then governor general of India, Lord Dalhousie, to personally hand over the Kohinoor to the British Queen. 4)  In 1852, Queen Victoria decided to reshape the diamond and it was cut down to 108.93 carats. 5)  After Queen Victoria’s death, the Kohinoor was set in the crown of Queen Alexandra, the wife of Edward VII, that was used at their coronation in 1902. The diamond was transferred to Queen Mary's crown in 1911, and finally to Queen Elizabeth's crown in 1937. When the Queen Mother died in 2002, it was placed on top of her coffin for the lying-in-state and funeral. 6)  The

Colorful Sphinx

              The Sphinx may have once been colorful   The huge statue of   the Sphinx   was built near the great pyramid, by some estimates, 4,500 years ago. It famously has the body of a lion and the head of a human. Its current likeness is believed to be that of Pharaoh Khafra, but this may not have always been the case.  According to some researchers,  the Sphinx may have undergone quite a few facelifts throughout its lifetime.  Residues of red pigments on the face of the Sphinx suggest the statue may have been painted. Today, most Egyptologists hold the view that the Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2,500 BC for the pharaoh Khafre, the builder of the Second Pyramid at Giza. While its purpose is not fully understood, some theories suggest that it was meant to  guard the pyramid .

pyramids shine like diamonds

               The pyramids used to shine like diamonds What did the Great Pyramid look like originally? Pretty impressive, if some historians are to be believed.  At the time of its construction, the Great Pyramid at Giza was covered with a  well-polished casing of limestone blocks . Some have suggested that when the sun struck the casing, it would have shone like diamonds and been visible from many miles away. Over the millennia, most of the blocks were pried off and used on other building projects.

The Great Pyramid was very well constructed

           The Great Pyramid was very well constructed While the Ancient Egyptians built many pyramids, not all have survived intact to the current day. However, examples like the Great Pyramid and the other pyramids at Giza have. Why? One reason is that the Egyptians got better at building pyramids over time. Some researchers think that the Egyptians hadn’t been able to cut the stones accurately enough to make the joints of earlier pyramids really tight. Over time, moisture got into the joints, and this expanded and contracted as the weather changed - pushing the stones apart, ultimately leading to erosion over time.  The Great Pyramid was also built using granite, which tends not to soak up water. Craftsman also learned how to make tight joints in the casing covering the pyramid, meaning the pyramid could shed water instead of absorbing it, ultimately preserving it.

Pyramids is human build ?

  The pyramids were once the tallest human-built structures The Great Pyramid of Giza, also known as the Pyramid of Khufu, was built, according to most estimates, between about 2,550 to 2,490 B.C. The structure was truly colossal and remained the tallest human-built structure for many centuries until the construction of the Lincoln Cathedral (with its original spire) in 1311 AD.  This is an incredible achievement, especially given the ancient Egyptian's  relatively rudimentary knowledge of construction and engineering . Even today, building such a structure would be a  massive engineering task . 

Kedarnath Yatra

              How to Reach Kedarnath by Railways   For those looking for a more cost-effective transportation medium, there are options available to you. However, bear in mind that this increases the duration of your commute significantly as the destination is a starting point to another journey itself. Although there isn’t a railway junction in Kedarnath, individuals can avail of the railhead at Rishikesh. Situated approximately 210 km from Gaurikund, Rishikesh Railway Station is well connected to the capital city. Individuals may hop onto a fast train from Delhi to Rishikesh, which will take approximately 8 hours in duration. Upon arrival, there are regular buses that ply to the base camp, from which the trek begins.

How To Reach Rameshwaram Temple In Hindi.

               How To Reach Rameshwaram                    Temple In Hindi !! रामेश्वरम मंदिर भारत के 12 ज्योतिर्लिंग के साथ-साथ चारधाम का भी एक हिस्सा है। रामेश्वरम मंदिर से मात्र 2 किमी. दूर रामेश्वरम रेलवे स्टेशन है, लेकिन एक छोटे-से रेलवे स्टेशन होने की वजह से यहां पर सिर्फ आसपास के ही कुछ शहरों से ट्रेन चलती है। अगर आपका शहर रामेश्वरम से काफी दूर है और आप इस सफर को ट्रेन से ही कंप्लीट करना चाहते हैं, तो आप मदुरै जंक्शन के लिए ट्रेन पकड़ सकते हैं, जो रामेश्वरम मंदिर से करीब 175 किमी. की दूरी पर स्थित है। मदुरै जंक्शन से आपको बस और टैक्सी रामेश्वरम मंदिर जाने के लिए काफी आसानी से मिल जाएगी। अगर आपके शहर से मदुरै जंक्शन के लिए भी ट्रेन की सुविधा उपलब्ध ना हो, तो आप चेन्नई एगमोर रेलवे स्टेशन के लिए ट्रेन पकड़ सकते हैं, जो रामेश्वरम मंदिर से करीब 555 किमी. की दूरी पर स्थित है और इस दूरी को आप बस, टैक्सी या ट्रेन से भी पूरा कर सकते हैं। नोट:- दोस्तों मैं आपको यही सुझाव दूंगा कि अगर आप रामेश्वरम मंदिर जाने के लिए चेन्नई एगमोर रेलवे स्टेशन, मदुरै जंक्शन या फिर मदुरै एयरपोर्ट पर आते हैं, त

The wild years

                                                                                                                                       The wild years In the United States, it was all about ‘The Jazz Age’, in France the ‘Les années folles’. The 1920s were the wild years. The time of restless youth. The catchy and popular jazz music was controversial. In the US, it was associated with the ‘lost generation’ – young people who grew up in the aftermath of the First World War. Above all, it was a symbol of multicultural society, which had many gloomy critics. “Negro music” was the racist epithet that jazz received. The Norwegian economy professor Knud A. Wieth-Knudsen called it “one of the many future degenerations”. Jazz testified that man was on his way back to the animal stage of evolution, he said.


   HOW FLAPPERS REBELLED THROUGH FEMINISM AND CONSUMERISM “A new female figure appeared in the 1920s. Young girls with their hair shaved short, heavy makeup and donning bolder dresses. They rode bikes and drove cars, chain-smoked cigarettes, drank like men, flirted outrageously, and plunged into wild jazz dances like charleston and black bottom.” Have you ever noticed something wrong at work, yet decided to stay quiet?  Sut I Wong  and her study of why employees do not speak up obviously hit a nerve for many of us.

The Golden Touch

 The Golden Touch !! There once was a king named Midas who did a good deed for a Satyr. And he was then granted a wish by Dionysus, the god of wine. For his wish, Midas asked that whatever he touched would turn to gold. Despite Dionysus’ efforts to prevent it, Midas pleaded that this was a fantastic wish, and so, it was bestowed. Excited about his newly-earned powers, Midas started touching all kinds of things, turning each item into pure gold. But soon, Midas became hungry. As he picked up a piece of food, he found he couldn’t eat it. It had turned to gold in his hand. Hungry, Midas groaned, “I’ll starve! Perhaps this was not such an excellent wish after all!”

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf !!   Once, there was a boy who became bored when he watched over the village sheep grazing on the hillside. To entertain himself, he sang out, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” When the villagers heard the cry, they came running up the hill to drive the wolf away. But, when they arrived, they saw no wolf. The boy was amused when seeing their angry faces. “Don’t scream wolf, boy,” warned the villagers, “when there is no wolf!” They angrily went back down the hill. Later, the shepherd boy cried out once again, “Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!” To his amusement, he looked on as the villagers came running up the hill to scare the wolf away. As they saw there was no wolf, they said strictly, “Save your frightened cry for when there really is a wolf! Don’t cry ‘wolf’ when there is no wolf!” But the boy grinned at their words while they walked grumbling down the hill once more. Later, the boy saw a real wolf sneaking around his flock. Alarmed, he j

विश्वास का फल

  विश्वास का फल बड़े-बड़े मकानों, बड़ी-बड़ी दूकानों, लंबी-चौड़ी सड़कों, एक से एक बढ़ के कारख़ानों और रोज़गारियों की बहुतायत ही के सबब से नहीं, बल्कि अंग्रेज़ो की कृपा से सैर तमाशे का घर बने रहने और समुद्र का पड़ोसी होने तथा जहाज़ी तिजारत की बदौलत आला दरजे की तरक़्क़ी पाते रहने के कारण इस समय कलकत्ता शहर जितना मशहूर और लक्ष्मी के कृपापात्रों का घर हो रहा है उतना बंबई के सिवा और कोई दूसरा शहर नहीं। साथ ही इसके इस शहर में जैसे अमीरों और बड़ी-बड़ी सड़कों और मकानों की भरमार है उसी तरह मज़दूरी पेशे वाले, दीन-लाचार तथा और तरह से औक़ात गुज़ारी करने वाले ग़रीबों और उनके रहने वाले छोटे-छोटे तंग, गंदे और पुराने मकानों तथा उसी ढब की गंदी गलियों की भी कमी नहीं है। अस्तु इस समय हम कलकत्ते की ख़ूबी और ख़राबी का बयान करने के लिए तैयार नहीं हैं जो यहाँ का ख़ुलासा हाल लिखकर पाठकों का अमूल्य समय नष्ट करें, बल्कि वहाँ के एक छोटे से फैक्ट को लिखकर पाठकों को एक अनूठा रहस्य दिखाना चाहते हैं। कलकत्ते की एक तंग, अँधेरी और गंदी गली के अंदर पुराने और छोटे से मकान की नीचेवाली कोठड़ी में एक औरत को फटे-पुराने आसन प